Poetic Jewelry

bestsellers from the Poetic Jewelry™ collection, late 1990’s, each piece with a poem hand inscribed on its reverse

“The Harvest Queen”
Ascending from the earth,
The Harvest Queen descends from her throne;
She mingles with us mortals
Through metaphors long sown;
Indeed, this heavenly earthiness
Is the gift ripened on her vine,
The transfusion we receive 
Through vintage, blood-red wine.

“Bondage or Eternity?”
Chained by life,
We pursue immortality through disciplined lives:
Only in bondage freedom survives.

“All Seeing”
The eye sees beyond its own perception,
Yet all-seeing is not all-knowing:
Therein the view of deception.

“Swan Lake”
The joy of beauty
Allays trouble’s toll
For as long as one
On Tchaikovsky’s soul.

“Aqua Vitae”
Earn to urn,
The synonymy of justice
From which all inherencies
Of the human vessel must drink;
We first bathe in potential
Then imbibe what we think

“Chocolate Cha-Cha”
The palms sway in finale of day
As we dance to the confection
Of long vacation made exotic by necessity.

“Cameo: Silhouette of the Unknown”
When circumstance breaks open
And fate thus seizes lead,
The unknown becomes one’s choker,
One’s faith, hope, and need;
For erasure of complacency
Profiles silhouette,
That of the unknown
Yet further to beget.