Media Medea

Media Medea: The Fluent Fleece

“Knowledge is power,”
The equation for much:
Professionals, blackmailers, top secrets and such.
And Argonauts we all, devoted to the seeking
Of Gaining more power on a vessel self-leaking.
Indeed the voyage is high but not thoroughly wise,
And accounts of its facts are what bring its surprise;
For the papers, the networks, the mouths of debate
Commandeer each event long before fate.
What commences from power ends there as well
With a powerless tale edited to sell.
And truth . . .
What is truth?
Some supernatural force
Pitching voices on air waves ’til their strains grow hoarse,
And the goal is no longer golden
But biasedly tarnished with compounding alloys of intentions uvarnished?
Inevitably the fleece being sought lifts to expose
All not news that already knows
The ultimatum of Medea whose sorcery guides
To forsake the voyage on sophistical tides.
And to what does it amount?
Oceans of information?
One droplet in dispensation?
One thin, endless stream of considered disputation?

– Mary Jo Magar –