Made in India

Made in India: Sacred Cow, Not Sleeping Dragon

Tomorrow’s tiffin is Tandoori – but a tortoise or a hare?
The year is of the Rabbit, the Dragon is its share
In lending, producing, forging fiscal seasons
For Americans who buy with no money and no reasons.
The Dragon brandishes macruous growth, 
Its eyes red mirrors of power,
Yet vision of full wakefulness causes myth to cower,
While Asian elsewhere . . .
Mouths to feed, 
Hands to use grow as labor pools
With greater freedom, lesser fraud, and Anglophilic tools.
Service is as service does;
The tortoise gains the race,
Despite the bureaucratic shell surmounting Vedic grace.
Nabobs around the world at tiffin lick their chops
Like Bollywood protagonists that elsewhere would be flops.
Made in India: America,
All its “tech” and fads, 
Which China first exported as its very own doodads.
Now arms for war as well as dolls, reaching far and wide,
Embracing world necessities as fears that coincide.
Not vowels to demonstrate but reality to avow,
Speak we all the answering rhyme: 
“How now Sacred Cow?”

– Mary Jo Magar –