
Emergence: King Cobra

Whenever it strikes,
Whatever “it” may be – anger, sorrow, jealousy –
A self coils, hooded to blind
From seeing the absence of a victim to find 
Other than the self itself – devil on the shoulder 
At the same time
The angel whose message is bolder
But not by an instant,
Only by strains,
A distant music summoning pains
To forget themselves,
Relax and uncoil,
Sweeten the tongue,
Savour the toil
In finding one’s step out of the viper,
Thus biding time in paying the piper.
One’s eyes, flashing,
Lift to mirror,
The charmer within, fey but sincere,
Playing universal heartfelt desire
To coronate dignity emerging from mire
And dance at a mean,
Neither up nor down,
Along Jacob’s Ladder – itself the crown.
The dance and the charm perfected in time
Using venom antidotally as humanity’s crime.
Cobra and charmer, synchronized well,
Performing the Creation inclusive of Hell.

– Mary Jo Magar –