Plato’s Fifth Solid

Man and Woman depicted at the critical edge of leaving the boundaries of a dodecahedral universe – the fifth solid preceding the first and following the fourth: the all-inclusive Alpha and Omega, one and the same.

Critical Mass: The Fifth Solid
– Mary Jo Magar –
I look into the night sky with closed eyes
And see no boundaries, no space in time,
No time in space, no future, past, or prime;
Nor do I see what science may surmise
As questionable still – truth in disguise
As yet “unproven,” still shadow, still mime,
But true nonetheless, so real though sublime.
I see nothing, which is ALL to comprise.
Neither darkness nor eyelids blind; I see,
Better than ever, farther than ever,
With consciousness spanned to such a degree
That space is absorbed, surpassed forever,
Which is never, no degree, but decree
Of freedom, the critical endeavor.

Many cosmologist believe that the universe (space) is finite and formed as a dodecahedron, a twelve-sided polygon, which is the fifth geometric solid described by Plato: “There is still one construction left, the fifth, God made use of it for the universe when He painted it.”

A dodecahedron has twelve faces and thirty edges. All its faces are identical, regular pentagons. It has twenty corners, which are vertices, each a point where three edges / three faces meet.

The dodecahedron C20 is a synthesized, closed-cage carbon molecule in the family of fullerenes, all of which incorporate precisely twelve pentagonal rings of carbon atoms.

In 2010, fullerenes were discovered in a cloud of cosmic dust surrounding a distant star 6500 light years away, which indicates that fullerenes have probably existed since the birth of the universe.

In the artwork on my menu page titled Geometric Ballet™, I used as an art medium shungite, which is the only natural mineraloid to contain fullerenes. Many geologists believe that shungite fell to Earth from space when a massive meteorite exploded. I believe this theory also for the reason that fullerenes are naturally produced in fire and lightening, particularly when lightening strikes earth, and because to synthesize fullerenes, specific conditions of heat and pressure are required.